Support Groups
We offer support groups to the tri-cities area from 3pm-4:30pm on the 2nd Sunday of every month (with the exception of May being the 1st Sunday).
Our support groups welcome anyone who has lost a baby no matter how early or late the loss, losing a child is heartbreaking in any capacity. Remember, You Are Not Alone. Spouses or other family members that would like to join are more than welcome.
Location Details
Hastings Location: Our Little Angels Office; 522 S Elm Ave
You may rsvp with Arryn George at (402)984-3474
**Grand Island Location**: For individual sessions please RSVP with Arryn at (402) 984-3474
Kearney Location: Kearney YMCA; 4500 6th Ave
You may rsvp with Katelyn Honas at (308) 991-4496
Coffee & snacks will be included.
Upcoming Dates
January 12th - 3PM-4:30PM
February 9th - 3PM-4:30PM
March 9th - 3PM-4:30PM
April 13th - 3PM- 4:30PM
May 4th 3PM- 4:30PM
June 8th 3PM-4:30PM
July 13th 3PM-4:30PM
August 10th 3PM- 4:30PM
September 14th 3PM- 4:30PM
October 12th 3PM- 4:30PM
November 9th 3PM-4:30PM
December 14th 3PM- 4:30PM
One-On-One Support
We have found that both, support groups and one-on-one support have been very helpful when managing grief and dealing with the loss of a child, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
You can complete the form below and one of our support volunteers will follow up with you soon!
The Compassionate Friends: Local Support Group
For loss of an older child, this group holds monthly support groups for child loss of ANY age.
By clicking on the link below they are a wonderful source if you may be interested in joining a support group for child loss.